Logo of the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education

The Centre of Postgraduate
Medical Education

For over 50 years, we have played a fundamental role in the system of postgraduate medical education in Poland. CPME is a modern didactic, scientific and therapeutic institution.

We have introduced interactive multidisciplinary didactics, supported by advanced medical simulation, e-learning and hybrid-mode teaching, providing the most favourable conditions for acquiring highly specialised medical knowledge.

Courses are our expertise

We organise full-time, online and hybrid courses. We employ more than 430 academics, including more than 60 professors. Every year we launch nearly 1,400 courses. This is more than half of all speciality courses offered in Poland! In 2022, we had nearly 40,000 trainees participating in our courses.

Educational platforms of CPME are already used by:

We have chairs, clinics and facilities

We conduct teaching and scholarly activities in nearly 90 establishments located in Warsaw and its vicinity.

Medical and teaching cadre raise their competencies at 2 teaching hospitals:

In addition to scholarly activities, our objectives include:

We focus on
development and cooperation

We are running the Doctoral School of Translational Medicine, established in partnership with 7 scientific research units:

  1. The M. Mossakowski Institute for Experimental and Clinical Medicine
  2. The Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics
  3. The M. Nałęcz Institute for Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
  4. The Institute of Haematology and Transfusiology
  5. The Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  6. The Institute of Mother and Child
  7. The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing

There are currently more than 60 students attending the Doctoral School of Translational Medicine 

Collegium Iuvenum (CI) was established at CPME in January 2023 to support scientific and research activities. Over 200 young scientists employed at our university are its members.

The Collegium integrates young researchers and supports them in the early stages of their scientific careers, encouraging them to pursue new research and scientific endeavours.

CTR integrates units of CPME conducting scientific research aimed at indicating directions and solutions for diagnostic and therapeutic methods in clinical medicine.

The basis of the research is close cooperation between the core laboratories and the CPME clinics, allowing bi-directional data transfer „from patient bedside to laboratory table”, „from laboratory table to patient bedside”.

The Council for the Training of Young Medical Personnel is an independent advisory body to the Director of the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education. Its main objective is to identify the needs and expectations towards the system of postgraduate medical education formulated by representatives of young medical professionals, including students in their final years of medical studies.

We are implementing
EU projects

is carried out in the international HYPIEND consortium consisting of 14 partners from eight European countries. The project involves II Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education and the Department of Lifestyle Medicine of the School of Public Health of the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education. As part of this project, researchers from three countries: Poland, Belgium and the Netherlands, will investigate how chemicals called endocrine active compounds disrupt the endocrine system in pregnant women and young children. The results of the HYPIEND project are expected to help develop new screening methods for endocrine disruptors as well as new public health strategies and policies to minimise the exposure of the most vulnerable populations.
The project involves monitoring the health of more than 800 pregnant women and, later, their babies for 18 months with regard to the presence and effects of endocrine disruptors (EDCs), chemicals that are similar in structure to certain hormones, including oestrogen, progesterone or androgens. Elements of the project will include workshops and the use of a mobile application to reduce the level of exposure to endocrine disruptors in pregnant and breastfeeding women and their babies up to 18 months after birth. One of the aims of the research is also to evaluate the effectiveness of such activities.

On 1 January 2024, the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education started implementing a project under the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 programme co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund. The aim of the project is to increase the number of physicians specialising in scarce medical fields from the point of view of Poland’s epidemiological and demographic needs, as well as the number of physicians providing primary healthcare services (PHS). The project envisages the organisation of approximately 2,500 compulsory specialisation courses. In addition, , approximately 50 courses will be held for the participants of the project, including courses on communication and performance of selected specialised medical or diagnostic procedures.

The project started on 1 January 2024 and will last until 30 June 2027.The project partners include: Medical University of Lodz, Medical University of Gdansk and Collegium Medicum – Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and Tilburg University (Department of Management Tilburg School of Economics and Management). The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency and standardisation of in-service training for specialist physicians using endoscopic simulation techniques in selected areas of medicine relevant to the country’s health policy tasks through the development (in transnational cooperation) and application of innovative IT solutions within an extended Network of Endoscopic Simulation Centres. The project plans to improve the qualifications of 453 specialist physicians and 22 instructors of endoscopic surgery and simulation by acquiring practical skills in the application of endoscopic diagnostic and therapy techniques as well as creating a set of innovative IT tools to support the education and self-training of specialist physicians.  The project will, allow, among other aspects, to develop standards for in-service training and examinations of physicians in the use of endoscopic techniques as well as develop the Network of Endoscopy Simulation Centres.

We are with doctors and for doctors,
for the benefit of patients

The website was developed by the CPME Communication and Promotion Team © 2024